Friday 17 June 2011


The Coming of Age for Mothers

When God made women, he placed in everything that a man would directly or indirectly despise, but when he allowed her to become a mother, it’s an amazing fact that she totally metamorphosed into someone who’s loved the world over! Despite being ruled by her passion to make it big in this world, mothers when they become mothers suddenly encompass everything that are required to have, sensibilities, maturity, responsibilities! In today’s jet age, when mothers are more known as working mothers, seem to manage both hearth and careers in the same breath. Today we no longer picture mothers to be the podgy, cute and plump, instead they have been replaced by mothers who are fit, on the move and have this amazing power of balancing all chores and efficiently so!

Surrogate Mothers

Amidst all the other professions that women tend to associate themselves with, surrogate mothers have a new rung of their own. It was once thought that a woman would be empowered with power to cope up with just about everything, baring her emotions. Surrogate motherhood has somehow changed this concept! It’s difficult to part with the same flesh and blood that you had so far associated with, a bond that was created for tending to; for life! Somehow, it became a medley of responsibilities, for a good cause! Though there are still some cultures that do not heartily accept motherhood of this kind, its not new to our culture of accepting this change either! I mean in a world where children were awaited with bated breath (though they still are!), here is a change in society that allows one woman to hold within her the seed of another and gets detached from the child the minute it comes into this world. It was kind of difficult for mothers to digest this fact initially, but then the need for a bouncy bundle of joy superseded the techniques involved.

The Career Mom
Today of course, it’s a different scene, where mothers delve more into their respective careers. With the scarf clad, suited moms taking their stride in the corporate world; its sad but it’s a bit different from the picture of a plump lady at the side of the oven, baking delicious cookies. This has definitely made one profession come to the fore! That of nannies! Nannies today are deemed as being the more important species of humans as they hold the pre-dominant responsibilities of helping out with the upbringing of babies. We still have nannies to look after our little ones, another example of mothers being in demand. Isn’t it funny that we don’t have manservants when it comes to little tots! I think the reason is that instinctively; all women make the ultimate moms, when it comes to handling these toothless wonders. Although men may consider having their upper hand in just about anything, this is one domain area where they could never ever be termed as superior! Hurrah to Woman hood!!

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