Thursday 7 July 2011

Camp Games and Activities

When parents send their children to a summer camp, they expect the organizers of the camp to keep the kids occupied over the duration of the camp. A camp may be held from 1 week to 8 weeks and some of the first-time camp organizers are at a loss of ideas for camp games and activities. How do you keep a bunch of energetic kids occupied at a kids summer camp? Well you do so with some of these summer camp games for kids! Summer camp activities are some of the most important things on the organizers' camping checklist So in this article, I will tell you about some of the best camp games and activities, which are easy to organize and enjoyable for the kids also.

Activities for Summer Camp

Blob Tag
A simple variation to the normal game of tag. A group of kids have to be organized where one person has to be 'it'. 'It' will go around trying to tag people. The ones he tags link up with him forming a longer blob of 'it' trying to catch the remaining players. This is one of the simplest and elementary camp game and activities. For this game all you need is more than 8 players and some playing space, both of which are available at a summer camp!

Dutch Auction
Dutch auction is one of the most interesting things to do while camping and encourages creativity. Here, the kids are given a set limit of time to gather any goods as they can in a pillow-case. The auctioneer calls out random items and kids with a unique variety win. Suppose, the auctioneer asks for a purple sock, the one having it wins. The auctioneer could also call up a talent. So the best singer, the person telling the best jokes, the kid who can do the best tricks with a football, stand to win.

Elves, Wizards and Giants
In this game, there are three teams known as Elves, Wizards and Giants. The rules of the game is that the team which is known as elves is supposed to chase the wizards, the wizards are supposed to zap the giants and the giants are supposed to stamp on the elves. So each of the teams is playing against each other. The team which completes the chasing/zapping/stomping first wins.

Freeze Tag
Freeze tag is another interesting variation to the normal game of tag. One person is chosen to be 'it'. 'It' tries to tag as many people as he can and the ones who get tagged are said to be frozen. The people who are not tagged are supposed to go under the feet of the 'frozen' players to unfreeze them and then they can continue play. The game goes on till all the players are frozen.

Nerf Ball Relay
This game is one of the interesting team-based camp games and activities. Here teams of three are formed. In this game, a nerf ball is dipped in water. Three players are supposed to carry this ball at a time with their foreheads to the other side of the field, go around a cone and back. The team finishing first wins.

Towel Relay
This is one of the youth camp activities. Here kids have to be teamed up into groups of 5. The object of the game is that 4 of the players have to carry the fifth one. The catch is, they have to carry him on a wet towel. Here again, the players have to go from the start to the other side of the field, around a cone and back to the start. The team finishing first is the winning team.

TV Tag
By now I'm sure you have realized that the game of tag can have umpteen variations. This is another game which kids will surely enjoy. In this game, 'it' goes around trying to tag people. People who get tagged are frozen. To unfreeze them, a player who is not frozen has to touch them and say the name of a TV show. The key here is not to repeat the name of a TV show. There can be further variations in this summer camp game where you can say the names of movies or animals, etc.

So here were some fun camp games and activities for kids. Camping is loads of fun not only for those going for the camp, but also those who organize the camp. The important thing is that both should enjoy the summer together. You may also like to know about summer camp themes for kids.

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