Sunday 10 July 2011

How to Flirt Over Text

In the olden times the only occasions that girls and boys could flirt with each other were during community balls and fairs. Since then times have changed a lot and it's thanks mostly to the advancements in telecommunication technology. Nowadays almost everyone has a cell phone and indulges in sending text messages as it's fast and inexpensive. We live in times where everything happens fast, hence no one wants to waste time in lengthy and expensive courtships. Using the mobile technology to proclaim your affections is one of the mantras to mastering the art of new age relationships. Learning the nuances of sending the right text messages that will entice the recipient in to replying is important.

Never Say Never
Most guys or for that matter even girls don't initiate contact because they think the other person is not going to be interested, well let him or her decide that. One of the ways to start flirting is to be bold and let the other person know that you are interested. Start with messages that tickle the funny bone. Don't act like a psycho and send a funny message every second, one or maximum two in a day are enough.

False Alarm
If you are wondering how to flirt over text with a girl, send her a message that you would normally send to your stock broker for buying shares. If she is interested she will warn you that you sent her the message by mistake or she didn't understand your message. As soon as she does that reply by saying that you think of her most times and that's why you sent her the message instead of the stock broker.

Terms of Endearment
One of the most easiest ways to flirt over text is to use terms that will let the other person know that you are interested. Send a simple text which says 'hello baby' and if you get a reply you have one foot in the door. There are a plethora of terms that you could use like honey bunny, sweets, cupcake, sugar, etc. just try and use a term that the person can identify with.

Flattery and paying compliments are some of the best tools in the arsenal if you are thinking of flirting with some one. Here is an example to help you understand, If it's a girl tell her that she looked great in the green top she was wearing the previous day and if it's a guy tell him that he was the most handsome guy in the party that Saturday.

Pull Phrases
Some out of the box phrases which can sound borderline corny are also a great way to flirt over text. Some examples to stimulate your imagination, 'don't need direction think have found my destination', 'I got the poison you got the remedy', 'stop hypnotizing me', 'morning my doe eyed beauty', etc. Using such messages will help you stand out from the competition and be noticed. Just make sure that you don't bombard the poor thing with these messages; be slow and steady.

If you don't know then learn how to make emoticons and use them in your text messages. Sometimes just sending different emoticons without any words is also a great way to start flirting. Mixing them with greet words like, sending a smiley face with a simple hi or a heart emoticon with the words good morning is a good idea if you are looking to flirt.

Foreign Language
A great way to flirt is by using foreign language in your conversation, this does not mean that you have to learn different languages, all you have know are some universally known words from that language. For example you can use 'Bonjour' which is French for hello, 'Hasta La Vista' is goodbye in Spanish, 'Ciao' is Italian for bye, 'dasvidaniya', is Russian for goodbye, 'Bellissimo' an Italian word for lovely. Try some of these well known words in your text messages to let the person know about your versatility.

The idea is to be cheeky when you are flirting. Don't be obnoxious and send messages that trumpet your own horn, for example don't send a message which says, 'wanna joy ride in my Ferrari'. Endeavor to get a smile out of the person you are texting, it is the best way to ensure a response.

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