Thursday 14 July 2011

Makeover for Women

"It upsets women to be, or not to be, stared at hungrily." - Mignon McLaughlin

Some women might not agree with this quote, but deep inside, every one of us knows that it's so true! All women, no matter what age, want to be desired, wanted, gazed at appreciatively by the opposite sex. In fact, there is no greater self-esteem booster for a woman than a number of men vying for her attention! However, as women age and get busy with handling home, office and kids, they start losing the charm which once made them irresistible! Many women, once they hit their forties, just let themselves go. They gain weight, do nothing for skin care and stop following fashion trends. So, if at this juncture, women want their confidence and appeal back, they have to plan a complete makeover. How? Scroll down for tips on makeover for women...

Tips on Makeover for Women

Shape Up!
No matter how unique your dress and make-up is, if your body is not in shape, if your love handles and tummy are bulging out of your clothes, nothing in this world can ever make you look appealing. So, the first of the makeover tips is that you should lose some weight. Join a gym or a yoga class, go cycling or swimming, find an activity of your interest and make a routine of it. If you are really out of shape, hire a personal trainer. Exercising will keep you fit, energetic and bring a gorgeous glow back to your skin!

Re-do your Wardrobe!
I have seen many housewives who are in their fifties and sixties, who still wear the clothes that were considered fashionable when they were young. Also, many women, when they hit 50s start dressing up like grannies! So, another of the tips on makeover for women over 50 is to re-do your wardrobe. Check out some fashion clothing magazines and see what women your age are wearing. Or, you may go through various websites on the Internet which suggest clothes suited to a particular body shape. Most experts suggest that fashion over 50 or 40, should include clothes like shirt-dresses, pleated sun-dresses, wrap dresses, trousers paired with a feminine blouse and blue jeans. The colors should be solid like black, gray, red and white, and the prints bold and classic such as stripes and checks.

Apply Makeup!
If you have not cared much for your skin, as you age, your skin can become very dull and sallow. This is where makeup comes handy. So, another of the tips on makeover for women over 40 is to apply subtle makeup which gives your face a lift, but at the same time looks very natural. Go in for muted lipsticks, light or neutral colored eye shadows, brown or gray eye liner instead of black and a foundation to even out your skin tone.

Change your Hairstyle!
Your hairstyle can actually make or mar the look of your entire face. Although, many fashion experts recommend that women over 40 should stick to short, layered hairstyles, still if you are someone who wants to look different and is game for a bit of experimentation, you can opt for some classy looking long hairstyles too. If you are not sure what kind of hair cut and hair color will suit you, make use of the virtual makeover facilities available on many websites on the Internet. All you have to do is to register with them, upload your photo and thereafter you can put any kind of hairstyle or make-up on your photo and actually see how it looks on your face!

If you read any makeover for girls and women in their twenties, the fashion experts recommend lots of accessories. Makeover tips for girls are simple. However, when it comes to women in their 40s or 50s, flashy or too much of accessories may actually look cheap. So, stick to just one fashion accessory at a time, such as either chandelier earrings or a necklace, when you are dressing up casually. With formal wear, opt for diamond or pearl sets.

In the end, whether it is makeover for women or makeover for men, more than the outer appearance, it is your inner being, your personality, which should shine through. So, keep yourself updated on the things and happenings around you. Be kind, sensitive and gentle to people. At the same time, carry yourself with a lot of confidence and class. Most of all, have a life of your own, apart from your spouse and kids!

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