Sunday 3 July 2011

Low Male Libido & how to increase it

Time just flies by and you start experiencing age affects sooner than later. Though you haven't looked forward to signs of aging you can't deny that your energy levels have plummeted. You find it harder to lose weight and that stubborn fat doesn't just go away. Stress has affected you in ways more than one, taking a toll on your health in general as well as sexually. You are just not interested in sex.Though it's true as you get older your body slows down and you may be one among millions of men around the world suffering from andropause without even knowing it. Andropause is the male equivalent to women's menopause and is often termed as male menopause. It usually affects men in middle age, sometime between 40 and 50, but in some cases as early as 35 or as late as 65.

Causes and Effects of Low Male Libido

A decline in hormone levels as you age is natural and an intrinsic part of getting older. Men start losing testosterone at 10% every decade after the age of 30. Testosterone is also termed as the male hormone which leaves little untouched in a man's body. In fact this is the very hormone that leads to development of male characteristics during puberty.

A dip in testosterone levels affects you in a lot of ways

1. Bone density is highly affected. Over 10% of men have osteoporosis which happens due to a lack in bone density. This makes you more susceptible to hip,wrist and spine fractures.

2. Perhaps the most striking effect is a low male libido and problem in achieving or maintaining erections. This makes you sit back and think that something is really wrong. Generally men think this might be due to aging and try to seek medical help through prescribed medication rather that getting to the root of the problem.

3. Muscles lose strength and

4. Immunity is also affected

5. Hair loss is another common effect that men experience.

6. A large number of men suffer from depression as well.

You need to pay as much attention to your hormonal balance as you pay to your cardiovascular system. Andropause is detectable through blood tests, but in most cases not just an ordinary blood test will do. An ordinary blood test can tell your doctor how much testosterone is in your system, but that doesn't tell him how much of it is available for your body's use. Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) attaches itself to testosterone and other sex hormones, rendering them useless. Also, different men need different amounts of testosterone to function at their best. You could request a more in-depth analysis from your doctor. But while some men choose to discuss with their doctor medical actions, such as hormone replacement therapy, the best course of action is to treat your body well so that it can reach its natural potential.

A Healthy Lifestyle - Your Approach to Increase Your Male Libido

A healthy lifestyle goes a long way in increasing your testosterone naturally and helping you enhance low male libido. By a healthy lifestyle I refer to good easting habits with regular exercise and reduced stress levels. Good sleep is also highly important. However, there exist some extremely good supplements for men suffering from andropause or having low libido.

Certain herbal extracts are known to have aphrodisiacal properties. You've undoubtedly heard of how good ginkgo biloba is for you, rejuvenating your blood flow and improving sexual function, or that Brazil's acai fruit is a great antioxidant and how Ginseng has been used to increase sexual stamina for centuries. These are just a few of the herbal ingredients that Provacyl is made from. It's made to promote your body's natural testosterone production. Because it's a supplement and not a medication, you don't need a prescription and it's free of any side effects.

On top of these though, Provacyl also combines Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which converts into testosterone and other sex hormones, and Growth Hormone (GH), which has been applauded by medical researchers as the fountain of youth. It can help you in ways more than one. Apart from better sexual stamina and harder erections, it helps you in gaining lean muscle mass, reduce unwanted body fat, increases mental alertness, stop hair loss and rejuvenate your energy levels while increasing HGH naturally. So don't just sit back and let old age happen to you. By following a regimen, you can slow down and even reverse aging and no more be among men with low male libido but horny and raring to go! Male Enhancement Pills

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