Tuesday 24 May 2011

Blue Waffle

There is a new term blue waffle disease that is begin heard a lot these days over the Internet community. Do not get confused that blue waffle is a disease associated with the blueberry breakfast meal. The Blue waffle infection is a condition that affects women only. This is an infection that affects the vagina making it look a grotesque blue, green and violet blueberry waffle-like.

What is Blue Waffle?

You see, the term 'blue waffle' is used because, 'waffle' is a slang for vagina. In case of severe infection, the vaginal turns bluish violet in color, and therefore called the 'blue waffle'. There are bruises as well as lesions outside the vagina that cause it to look blue in color.

It is said, the blue waffle disease is mainly seen in prostitutes and whores. Women who indulge in excessive sexual activity with multiple partners are said to be affected with it. Medically, it is said that the vagina is battered by the penis or device of similar nature that leads to bruising and lesions of blue green color. This is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), that develops into a very painful condition.

Blue Waffle ~ A Reality or An Urban Legend

The blue waffle infection made an appearance over the Internet around the date 18, March 2010. There were many gorse pictures of blue waffle vagina posted over the Internet. This may have originated from the symptoms of the real infectious disease that affects women, vaginitis. This condition causes excessive itching and inflammation of the vagina. There is abnormal discharge along with a burning sensation in the vulva. A women gets infected with vaginitis due to stress or poor diet. This condition usually subsides on its own.

What may have given rise to blue waffle infection legends, was vaginitis can also be caused by having intercourse without enough lubrication or using instruments for masturbation. This point may have lead to someone coming up with the blue waffle disease.

Till date, no medical professional has come up with proof for the existence of this blue waffle infection. The photographs or the disease has not yet been hosted by any medical site. The models whose photographs have been taken have not yet come out publicly to support the claim of blue waffle. This means the photographs were a clever execution of Photoshop. The pictures are therefore misleading and can be thought of another urban legend. You can read more on another urban legend in the article cow tipping - fact or fiction.

There is a pornographic site of the same name as the disease, that may lure one to have a look at the authentic pictures of the disease. You need to execute caution and stay away from such sites. Any ways, till there is no concrete evidence, one can only say blue waffle disease is just a mythical medical condition.

Blue waffle can be an idea of a pervert mind to create mass hysteria or someone who dislikes women working in the sex industry. It may also be due to a smart business man, who wanted to divert traffic to his site and mint money. Whatever the reason, blue waffle is just like a shadow in the sun. Whether you believe in the reality of the disease or think of it as the spoof of the year, it is wise to indulge in safe and protected sex. I hope this article has helped shed some light on what is blue waffle.

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