Monday 30 May 2011

Sudden Weight Loss Causes

The prospect of losing weight is actually quite welcoming for many people. Though it is a good thing to lose weight with proper diet and exercises, losing weight suddenly without even trying for it should be taken as a matter of serious concern. This is because sudden weight loss is a symptom of a variety of health problems and serious diseases. Hence, it is important to diagnose sudden weight loss causes, if someone is experiencing extreme weight loss. This is necessary because earlier the cause of sudden weight loss is found, earlier the treatment can be started. Therefore, rather than been happy about losing the extra pounds without exercising or giving up on your favorite foods, consult your health practitioner as it can be a sign of something serious.

Sudden Weight Loss - Reasons

Weight loss occurs when the body loses its muscle mass, fluids or the fat it accumulates. Though dieting can help a person in losing weight considerably, experiencing rapid weight loss i.e. losing 5% of body weight in a year or less than that can be a serious issue. Therefore, let us take a look at some of the causes of sudden weight loss.

Eating Disorders
One thing that most of us know is that our body weight is proportionate with the food we eat. When we follow a balanced diet, it is obvious that our weight will be at an average level. So, when we stop eating, our weight will also come down. This is a common condition among people who suffer from eating disorders, especially anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa can be defined as a mental disorder where a person has extreme fear of putting on weight and hence, restricts his food intake to very little, and becomes thin. On the other hand, bulimia nervosa is when the person indulges in binge eating and later throws up or indulges in strenuous exercises to control putting on weight. Both these eating disorders are major causes of sudden weight loss and should be treated quickly as these can turn life threatening, especially anorexia, which is very common among teenage girls.

Mental Health Problems
Sudden weight loss can be attributed to mental health problems like stress and anxiety. In today's busy world, stress can be caused by variety of situations related to work and personal life. If people fail to get out from the stressful situations, their anxiety may lead to physical symptoms like rapid weight loss along with rapid breathing, dizziness, chest pain and shortness of breath. Apart from stress and anxiety, weight loss can also be caused by a person suffering from depression. Depression is when a person feels sad and anxious all the time due to certain psychological, environmental or genetic factors. Many times, when a person has depression, he or she may have a very low appetite and may suffer from digestive problems. This can lead to sudden weight loss.

Cancer, a life threatening disease can also be one the sudden weight loss causes. With any type of cancer, be it leukemia, pancreatic, lung cancer, etc., losing weight suddenly as well as rapidly is seen as a common symptom. This happens because the cancerous tumors present in the body increases the body's metabolism due of which the body is able to burn the calories faster, thus giving rise to excess weight loss. Some people may also experience sudden weight loss while undergoing a treatment for cancer.

Chronic Diarrhea
Diarrhea is something that most people have experienced due to eating the wrong type of food or due to a viral infection called gastroenteritis. Though such type of diarrhea can be treated with antibiotics, people who suffer from diarrhea for more than four weeks are said to have chronic diarrhea. This can be caused due to some serious disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. When an individual has diarrhea for more than four weeks, sudden weight loss is likely to occur.

Though diabetes can also be one of the causes of sudden weight loss, it is more commonly seen in Type I diabetes than in Type II diabetes. Type I diabetes is seen in young children, teenagers and adults under the age of 30 and occurs when the body is unable to produce enough insulin to carry glucose formed in the body to the cells. Glucose is the main factor that gives our body the energy to function properly and when the cells do not receive this, glucose is released into the bloodstream, making a person diabetic. As the body does not receive enough energy, sudden weight loss is likely to occur, along with some other symptoms too.

Other Causes of Sudden Weight Loss
Apart from these diseases, sudden weight loss can also occur due to other diseases like AIDS, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, GERD, tuberculosis, kidney failure, lung problems, etc. Also, age is an important factor that is associated with rapid and sudden weight loss. Other than this, problems like drug abuse, laxative abuse, malnutrition, Parkinson's disease and bowel obstruction can also cause sudden weight loss.

Treatment for Sudden Weight Loss

The appropriate treatment for sudden weight loss will depend on the cause that gave rise to this problem. Hence, if you have lost too much weight suddenly, do not delay in consulting the doctor who can diagnose the root cause of the problem according to other symptoms that accompany weight loss and also by conducting some physical tests. Other things necessary to treat sudden weight loss are, following a well balanced diet, regular exercises and of course, ample amount of rest. You can discuss these factors with your health practitioner, as he will be able to give you the right guidance.

As you now know about the sudden weight loss causes, you must have definitely realized the severity of losing weight rapidly without trying to do so. Hence, I hope you will take this seriously and visit the doctor to bring back your lost weight and also to prevent further complications.

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