Thursday 2 June 2011

Famous Spanish Conquistadors

The Spanish Empire was fighting the battle of "reconquista" for a number of decades. The battle for the Peninsula of Iberia was fought against the Muslim Moors. During this time period, the elite version of the mounted cavalry evolved to what is now known as the 'Conquistador'. The conquistadors fulfilled the multiple tasks of exploration and conquest.

The Spanish conquistadors took up the task of conquering the New World. Within a very short span of time, they brought a huge area of the American continent under Spanish rule. The Spanish Empire in the American continent covered, from the southernmost tip to the central parts of present-day Mexico. In the process of exploring the American continent, they became extremely rich, as this vast area was laden with gold and precious stones. They also introduced several plants, fruits and vegetables into the European economy. Indirectly, they contributed to the success of Spain during the Imperial period. They earned a lot of respect and held a very prestigious position in the Spanish society.

Some of the conquistadors were legendary heroes for the Spanish Empire. Amongst the famous conquistadors was Francisco Pizarro, who laid the foundation of the City of Lima, Peru. Another famous Spanish conquistador was Herneando Cortes.

Francisco Pizarro - The 'El Viejo'

Francisco Pizarro was popularly known as 'El Viejo', which in Spanish means the 'old one'. Among the Inca people, he was known as 'Apu Machu'. Francisco Pizarro was probably the most senior conquistador, in terms of age. Though being a very highly ranked conquistador, Pizarro did not belong to any of the noble families in Spain, which was unusual at that time, since most of the high ranking conquistadors belonged to nobility. Pizarro's actual date of birth or for that matter the year of birth, is also not known exactly. The only thing that is known, is that Pizarro was either born in the year 1471 or 1478, in the town of Trujillo, in Estremadura, Spain. Even though Pizarro never received any formal education or military training, he is often considered to be one of the most brilliant generals of his time.

Pizarro sailed with the crew of Alonso de Ojeda to the New World. Upon landing in the New World, Ojeda founded the city of San Sebastian. He was also a member of the 'Nunez de Balboa' expedition. This expedition reached the Isthmus of Panama on September 29, 1513. The expedition also discovered the Pacific Ocean. Another expedition in which Pizarro participated was the one that discovered present-day Costa Rica. This expedition was led by Espinosa, another famous conquistador. In the years between 1515 to 1520, Pizarro tried settling down by become a trader along the coast. Later in the 1520s, he received funding for an expedition to the south of Panama. The expedition was a financial failure, since Pizarro found relatively less gold on the coast of Colombia. In the late 1520s, Pizarro undertook another expedition into the far south, where he reached Peru.

Pizarro received the title of Governor and Captain General. These titles gave him complete authority over the regions that he conquered or explored for Spain. In the 1530s, he began his campaigns to conquer the whole of South America. During the battle against the Incas, Pizarro captured King Atahualpa. As a ransom, King Atahualpa offered Pizarro enough gold to fill the 22 feet high room in which he was held captive.

In the year 1535, Pizarro founded the city of Lima. Sadly on 26th June, 1541, followers of Pedro de Almagro assassinated Pizarro as they wanted to loot the wealth of Lima.

Even today, Francisco Pizarro is considered as one of the greatest conquistadors and explorer. He was also considered a very successful general because of his judgment skills regarding the enemy. Using only a very small amount of men, he was able to conquer a major part of the South American continent. He was successful in making Imperial Spain powerful.

Hernando Cortes

Hernando Cortes was also known as 'Cortes'. Cortes was born in the noble family of Martin Cortes de Monroy. He attended the famous University of Salamanca. He is credited with the feat of conquering more than 5 million Aztecs with a force of only 1000 soldiers.

The journey of Cortes began in the year 1502, after he left law college due to academic failure. He joined the voyage of Nicholas de Ovando and grew extremely popular among the other members of the voyage. He also proved to be an efficient soldier under the command of Spanish military man Diego Velazquez. Cortes accompanied Velazquez on the campaign against Cuba and proved his skills as a warrior. He also tried to become a rancher in the year 1514; however, his peaceful life as a rancher did not last long.

On the request of Velazquez, Cortes commenced an expedition into the regions of Mexico. The objective of this expedition was to establish a Spanish colony in the mainland of Mexico. Cortes, at that time, commanded only 600 troops. He captured the town of Tabsco. In order to make a home for his army, Cortes founded the town of La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz. One of his strange habits was that he would learn the social customs, rituals and traditions of the local people in any place that he went. He forced the Aztec Indians in Tlaxcala to sign an alliance with him. Due to his appearance, the Aztecs believed that Cortes was their God-King Quetzalcoatl, who was supposed to return according to some prophecy. Cortes faced no resistance from King Montezuma II. The actual combat that took place was very small, as the European diseases that the Aztecs were not used to, wiped out a large part of their population.

The conquests of Cortes and Pizarro were a major turn in the history of the Spanish Empire. Their expeditions also changed the vast areas of the South American continent. There are many more Spanish conquistadors, whose names and endeavors are lost in the pages of history.

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