Thursday 2 June 2011

Finding Work in Spain

Finding work in Spain is not easy, especially outside the major cities where unemployment can sometimes be quite high. If you are a member of an EC country then you have an automatic right to live and work in Spain but if not then you may find obtaining your residence card time-consuming and frustrating. It is also necessary for non-Europeans to have their employment approved by the Spanish Ministry of Labour (Ministerio de Trabajo) and obtain a visa before entering the country.

Work In Spain-Seasonal Jobs
There is normally quite alot of work to be had in the major tourist resorts from the beginning of May until the end of September naturally enough this mostly consists of work in the hotel and catering industry with plenty of casual bar work normally available in English run bars. This type of work is notoriously poorly paid, although you can improve your wages with tips, but has the advantage that it is quite easy to get and it is not always a requirement that you speak Spanish. So if you just want to work in Spain for the summer then this type of work may suit you best.

You probably will not be able to arrange it without being in the country though and just approaching bar owners or scouring the job vacancy ads. in the local English press.

Couriers and Tour Reps.
If you speak Spanish then you may be able to get seasonal work in Spain as a courier, tour guide or sports instructors, approach some of the larger holiday companies such at Thompson Holidays to see what they have on offer.

Competition for jobs is fierce and Spanish fluency is usually necessary, even for employment with foreign tour operators. Most companies also have age requirements, the minimum being 21, although many companies prefer employees to be older. To find out which companies operate in the part of Spain you are interested in check the brochures in your local travel agency or search online but be sure to send in your application well before the season starts.

A quick glance in the local English language newspapers, will show you that 75% of the jobs available are in the timeshare industry. However don’t be immediately put off, because although there are plenty of sharks and scams, there are also several reputable time share companies that have many years of success behind them and provide contracts, good commission rates and opportunities for promotion to their staff. However, all timeshare companies offer the hard sell approach to prospective buyers and if you are uncomfortable with this then it is not for you.

Semi and Permanent Jobs in Spain-Teaching English
English schools are mushrooming all over Spain and offer very good work opportunities for native English speakers. However it is normally required that you have some formal qualifications, the most widely accepted being The TEFL certificate, (teaching English as a Foreign language.) For a fairly small investment of around 1,000 euros you can obtain this certificate by attending a one month intensive course and you will then be qualified to not only work in Spain but also at many other destinations world wide.

Foreign language schools in Spain are generally well run and the wages are reasonable, they often provide accommodation for their teachers too so it can be a good way to live and work in Spain.

Details of foreign language schools can be obtained by contacting.
Centros de Enseñanzza de Idiomas, Calle Sagasta, 27, 28004 Madrid.

Private Tuition
There is a high demand for private English teachers here and many teachers employed at local language academies supplement their income by giving private lessons. You can advertise in local schools, universities and retail outlets and, once you’re established, additional students can usually be found through word of mouth, particularly for children who have failed their end of year English examinations!

Au Pairs
Both men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible for a job as an au pair. The au pair system provides young people with a great opportunity to travel, improve their Spanish and generally broaden their education by living and working in Andalucia. However, the main aim of the au pair system is to give young people the opportunity to learn a foreign language in a typical family environment. Au pairs are usually contracted to work for a minimum of six months and a maximum of a year. Most families require an au pair for at least the whole school year, from September to June. The best time to look for an au pair position therefore is before the beginning of the school year in September. Au pair agencies in Britain are listed in the Au Pair and Nanny’s Guide to Working Abroad by Susan Griffith.

Construction Industry
Many parts of Spain have seen a building boom in recent years and the construction industry employs many foreign nationals. However as most of the building sites are Spanish run it will be necessary for you to have a basic understanding of the language in order to be able to get and hold down a job.

Self- Employment.
Many people turn to running their own business in Spain as the best way to make a living in Spain. However for the un-prepared this road can be a minefield of headaches and problems. The best advice I can give is to do your homework and remember the old adage, "by failing to prepare, you prepare to fail." Get good advice from a reputable professional about the legal requirements for your particular business, opening licenses, tax declarations etc. It is a good idea to talk to other people who have started there own business and thereby learn by their mistakes.

Rightly or wrongly there are alot of foreigners resident in Spain who prefer to employ English speaking people so there are plenty of opportunities for builders, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, cleaners, hairdressers, beauticians etc. and anyone determined enough to work through the red tape and get established should end up with a good business.

For any sort of work in Spain you will need to obtain your N.I.E. (numero de identificacion de extranjero) which you can do through the Oficina de Extranjeros, ( foreigners office) at your local police station.

Illegal Employment
Illegal employment thrives in Spain where it has been estimated that as much as 25% of the officail GNP is due to the black economy with real unemployment being at least 10% below the official government figure.

Many unscrupulous employers use illegal labor as a means to avoid the paying the high social security contributions and to be able to pay low wages for long hours and poor working conditions. Heavy fines are often imposed when offenders, which includes both the employee as well as the employer, are prosecuted so be warned!

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