Sunday 12 June 2011

God's Best Angel

August 13, 2005

It was that time of year that the whole day is about you. It was my birthday and I had it planned perfectly. We would go out to lunch with my whole family. But first we would have to make a stop.

... 9 months earlier

We were out to eat and we got a call that we needed to get to my Aunt Kim's house because they had to tell us something. When we arrived, the looks on there faces told us it was not good news. Ten minutes later there was a living room full of people crying. Aunt Kim had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. If she did chemo she would have a year to live, without it she would only have 6 months.

... 7 months later

Aunt Kim had been in Atlanta since January at a special hospital. She was finally home and it felt so much better with her here with us. I had missed her so much. Since she had got cancer she was so different. It had only been 7 months and she had already lost 60 pounds and was losing her hair. I hadn't seen her smile in so long. All i did for months was just pray God would heal her. I knew that everything would be fine because she was to good of a person to suffer.

... August 8, 2005

Aunt Kim went into the hospital on the 1st. Things had gotten a lot worse. The cancer had spread to her whole torso. Her son's baby was due on my birthday but they were so scared she wouldn't make it that they did a C-section on the 6th.

... November 11, 2005

They moved Aunt Kim to hospice. By the 9th she was completely unconscious. It was hard for us to make this decision but we knew it was the best thing to do.

... Back to August 13, 2005

After my mom picked me up from school we still had 2 hours until we all planned to go out to lunch. So she brought me to hospice to see Aunt Kim. Everyone had been staying with her sleeping in chairs and on the floor since the 1st. I hadn't seen her since the 10th and she looked so much worse. As soon as I walked in I went to her side and held her hand. That's where I stayed the whole time I was there. I talked to her and told her how my birthday was going, and everynow and then she would raise her eyebrow. It was time to go meet everyone at lunch so I told Aunt Kim that I loved her and would see her later. Everyone went to lunch for my birthday except Aunt Kim's daughter stayed with her. We had been at lunch for about an hour when my mom got a phone call and walked outside. My friend Jenna got a call and when she hung up I could tell something was wrong. I looked around and saw everyone else getting phone calls and ending them. For just a moment time stopped. This wasn't happening, not today and not ever. I look at Jenna and asked her if it was about Aunt Kim (even though I already knew the answer) and she said yes. Then I knew. I couldn't hold back the tears, I started sobbing and whispered, "she's gone". My mom wanted to keep it away from me. She was gonna have my dad take me outside and then talk to everyone. Then she would come tell just me. But when she came back in and saw me in hysterics she knew that i found out. How could this happen? It was all my fault that the people that were there the whole time weren't there when she passed away. She was the kindest person I knew. She always thought of others before herself. So why did it have to be her? There are 3 things that Aunt Kim would want right now. That is to love one another, think about others before yourself, and to let your family come before anything else. To this day I still miss her and cry. I know she's in a better place and she's not suffering anymore but it was so unfair to take her. I will continue to let people know what an amazing person Aunt Kim was and how lucky I am to have had her in my life.

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