Thursday 9 June 2011

I Want to Know my Future

Something that you will hear many people say all around you is "I want to know my future!". The unknown is something that always manages to spike the curiosity factor in anyone. A lot of people out there claim that they would rather know the future than remain in the dark about it. This is the reason why knowing your future through fortune telling is slowly becoming a huge rage attracting many people that are eager to explore the unknown. There are many ways of finding out about your future, like with the help of tarot cards, or palmistry or astrology. In fact, you will find that many people all around are going about doing psychic predictions and are eager to tell you your future. So, for those of you that are keen on knowing what the future holds for them, given below are a few methods that people claim works well for them.

I Want to Know my Future - Will Palmistry Help?
Palm reading is a common practice that is used to delve into one's future. This is done by holding the palm of a person and reading the lines on the hands. There are very specific lines on the hand, like the marriage and lifeline which will help you know more about facets related to these aspects. The life line will tell you the kind of life that you have ahead of you whereas the marriage line will tell you how your marriage will be and whether it will be marred by infidelity or not. There are many other palm reading basics that a person needs to keep in mind when going to a palmist. There are, however, many skeptics that claim that the lines on the palm are nothing but the indentations that result due to the folding of palms in fetal position when the baby is still in utero. Hence, there is no scientific reason to claim that if a person folded his hands in a certain position which may affect the life line, that means he will end up having a significantly shorter life or one with low energy levels.

I Want to Know my Future - Will Astrology Help?
Another popular way of knowing more about your future is with the help of astrology and daily horoscopes. These are by far the most common ways of knowing about the future. The daily horoscopes that you read in the newspaper or online will tell you about how your day will slowly unfold. Astrology, on the other hand, can even give you a fair idea of your forecast for the month. It can help you know if your relationship will be a success or not with the help of astrology signs compatibility. These are often referred to by many youth when it comes to trying to find out the future with regard to their relationship or their day to day activities.

I Want to Know my Future... But do I?
"There was a survey once. A thousand people were asked, if they could know in advance, would they want to know the exact day of their death. Ninety-six percent of them said "No". I always kind of leaned toward the other 4 percent. I thought it would be liberating... knowing how much time you had left to work with. A year at best. It turns out, it's not." - The Bucket List

This line that Morgan Freeman says in The Bucket List perhaps best captures the opinion that a lot of people have about the future. It might sound crazy, but there are a lot of people that say they are better off without knowing their future, especially when they are going to die. They say that death is inevitable and it is something that everyone has to face, so why know of the day and time from now and let it hound you for the rest of the life, like a ticking bomb?

The people opposed to knowing the future have a simple ideology - they say that life is full of surprises, which is what makes it so enjoyable. Let me give you an example. When you're watching a baseball match and it all comes down to the last ball with a nail biting finish, then don't you end up enjoying that match a lot more, as opposed to if someone were to just come and tell you the results beforehand. Similarly, when watching a suspense movie, don't you just hate it when someone tell you who the killer is and ruins the ending for you? In both these instances, it is the experience of waiting till the end to find out what the future has in store that makes the entire experience so exciting. It is the same case with life. Like someone has rightly said, "Life is a journey, not a destination", so it is better to enjoy the ride, than worry about when you'll reach the end.

This was all about how to know your future and a small argument on whether or not you really would want to know what your future holds in store for you. For those of you who are still hell bent on screaming "I want to know my future!" at every palmist and astrologer you come across, then perhaps, the most accurate answer or prediction that anyone can give is "Your future.... is what you make of it."

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