Thursday 9 June 2011

Most Common Last Names in America

Surnames or last names form an integral part of a person's identity. Earlier, surnames were an indicator of a person's occupation or place of origin. Although, this tradition has been long forgotten, the newer generations still carry their family's last name. These modern successors might have moved miles away from their place of origin and may have nothing to do with the traditional occupation, but they still flaunt their lineage by carrying a century old surname. Surnames are also indicative of an immigration pattern of a country. Some immigrants anglicize their last names to sound like native surnames. There are thousands of different surnames in the United States. Yet, everyday you might find at least one person with same last name as yours. Why? Your surname may be amongst the most common last names in America! Want to find out? Go through this list of top 100 common surnames in the US.

Top 10 Most Common Last Names in the United States

The following data is derived from the findings of U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Analysis & Evaluation Staff, based on the 1990 census.

1. Smith
A whopping 2,501,922 people are registered under this last name. England, Australia, Scotland, Canada are some other countries where Smiths top the list of common names. So, if you are a Smith, be prepared to meet several other Smiths every day.

2. Johnson
Johnson is another common last name which surpasses the two million mark. Some of the Swedish immigrants by the name of Johansson have anglicized their last name to Johnson, making it the second most common last name in US.

3. Williams
Williams is a more common last name in African Americans. Currently, there are 1,738,413 people registered under this name.

4 & 5. Jones/ Brown
Number 4 and 5 slots are occupied by these two last names. Although, the population for each of the surnames is the same, number 4 slot officially goes to Jones, followed by Brown at number 5.

6. Davis
This is yet another popular common name shared by 1,193,760 people in the United States.

7. Miller
The rise of this surname as a common last name can also be attributed to the fact that many Germans by the name Muller chose to anglicize their last name to Miller. There are around 1,193,760 Millers in America.

8. Wilson
It would be a surprise if this last name didn't make it to top 10, considering the number of times you come across people with this surname. There are 843,093 people registered under this surname.

9. Moore
This yet another popular name which has also made it to the list of 10 most common surnames. There are 775,944 people with Moore as their last name.

10. Taylor
Last but not the least, Taylor rounds up the list of popular surnames with a population of 773,547, just below that of Moore's.

List of Most Common Surnames in America

Rank Last Name Population
11 Anderson 857,000
12 Thomas 857,000
13 Jackson 854,200
14 White 768,800
15 Harris 757,800
16 Martin 752,300
17 Thompson 741,300
18 Garcia 699,900
19 Martinez 644,800
20 Robinson 642,100
21 Clark 636,500
22 Rodriguez 631,000
23 Lewis 622,800
24 Lee 606,200
25 Walker 603,500
26 Hall 551,100
27 Allen 548,400
28 Young 531,800
29 Hernandez 529,100
30 King 523,600
31 Wright 520,800
32 Lopez 515,300
33 Hill 515,300
34 Scott 509,800
35 Green 504,300
36 Adams 479,500
37 Baker 471,200
38 Gonzalez 457,400
39 Nelson 446,400
40 Carter 446,400
41 Mitchell 440,900
42 Perez 427,100
43 Roberts 421,600
44 Turner 418,900
45 Phillips 410,600
46 Campbell 410,600
47 Parker 402,300
48 Evans 388,500
49 Edwards 377,500
50 Collins 369,300
51 Stewart 366,500
52 Sanchez 358,200
53 Morris 344,500
54 Rogers 338,900
55 Reed 336,200
Rank Last Name Population
56 Cook 330,700
57 Morgan 325,200
58 Bell 322,400
59 Murphy 322,400
60 Bailey 316,900
61 Rivera 311,400
62 Cooper 311,400
63 Richardson 308,600
64 Cox 303,100
65 Howard 303,100
66 Ward 297,600
67 Torres 297,600
68 Peterson 294,900
69 Gray 292,100
70 Ramirez 289,300
71 James 289,300
72 Watson 283,800
73 Brooks 283,800
74 Kelly 281,100
75 Sanders 275,600
76 Price 272,800
77 Bennett 272,800
78 Wood 270,100
79 Barnes 267,300
80 Ross 264,500
81 Henderson 261,800
82 Coleman 261,800
83 Jenkins 261,800
84 Perry 259,000
85 Powell 256,300
86 Long 253,500
87 Patterson 253,500
88 Hughes 253,500
89 Flores 253,500
90 Washington 253,500
91 Butler 250,800
92 Simmons 250,800
93 Foster 250,800
94 Gonzales 239,700
95 Bryant 239,700
96 Alexander 234,200
97 Russell 234,200
98 Griffin 231,500
99 Diaz 231,500
100 Hayes 228,700

Most common last names in America are bound to change as some families expand at a higher rate than others. Remarkably, Smith has held its number one position since 1990. Hope you found this article interesting.

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