Monday 13 June 2011

Most Livable Cities in US

When a person shifts to a new city either alone or with his or her family, there are certain things that they expect from the city. If you are a family man (or even you are not), will you be able to live in a city where there are no department stores, or proper schools for your kids, no proper working places, no police department or a place where people commit crime even during daytime? I am sure you will think twice before stepping into a city like that. Agreed that there are some cities like that in United States, where people do not feel comfortable staying specially with their families, but on the other hand, there are also some cities which have been voted as the most livable cities in USA. Want to know which are those cities so that you can shift there with your family if you have been planning on shifting? Then just scroll down and you will get your answer.

Most Livable Cities in America

Good schools, good working places, departmental stores for your daily requirements, a police station, a hospital and a fire department, places for children to play, places safe for the old and handicapped, good roads, no crime, places to visit, like the museum or the zoo and so on, are some of the important things that people expect when they shift into a new city. Cities which are successful in providing these provisions are usually termed as the most livable cities. Here is the list of the most livable cities in US. Know more on the best places to live in 2011.

The city of Pittsburgh has been voted to be the best place to live in United States. It is the second largest urban area in US and it is the cradle for most of the cultural activities. It has some of the best music halls here like the Heinz Hall and also the Benedum Center. It also has the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, the Andy Warhol Museum, the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and the list goes on. Children can enjoy themselves at the Pittsburgh Zoo or the PPG Aquarium or maybe at the National Aviary. This is also the hot spot for several theaters such as the City Theater and also the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theater. Besides being the hotbed for cultural activities, this city is also known for its various Universities and as far as safety is concerned, this city has been voted as the 7th safest city. The cost of living here is quite low compared to the other Northeastern cities in United States. Worried about the natural disasters hitting this place? Well, if it’s of any help, this city has a very low risk of being hit by any kind of natural disasters.

Seattle is the next best place to live in United States. It is considered to be the largest city in Pacific Northwest and also Washington. People say that Seattle is the "best place in the world to have a heart attack", what with its famous University of Washington, which is said to be among the top 10 medical research institutes in the country. People staying here, also face no problems regarding the daily requirements such as water and electricity. There are also a large number of schools and Universities in this city.

The third most livable city in US is Philadelphia. This city is the 5th most populous city in United States. In this city, you will find no problem with transportation and it is also considered a safe city, although criminal activities do take place here (but at a low rate). This is a place where you will find people from all over the world living in peace and harmony. This is also a place rich in cultural activities and coming to health and security facilities, it is pretty impressive.

Washington, the District or Washington D.C. was founded in the year 1790. It is the capital of the United States and it is also one of the most livable cities in America. Although once this city was referred to as the 'murder capital of USA', the crime rate has gone down drastically making it a safe place for you and your family. This city also has a growing economy where the number of professional and business jobs and opportunities are growing day by day. It has the National Mall and various other cultural architecture which is what makes the city attractive for families wishing to settle down in here. This is also the home for American University, George Washington University and several other famous Universities.

San Francisco
The next in the list of most livable cities in USA is San Francisco. The first image that comes into everyone's mind when you hear San Francisco is of course the Golden Gate and Chinatown. This city is one of the most populous state in the United States and it is also a safe place to stay with your family. With wealth from the IT sector, this city has become the place for higher standard of living. The main disadvantage of this city is that it has a high cost of living, due to which only people from influential background can afford to stay here. But, due to the low crime rate, proper educational facilities and cultural environment, this city has been voted to be safe and livable. Know more on the best cities to live in 2011.

These were some of the most livable cities in US, where you can shift with your family. Of course, being termed as the most safest cities in America does not mean that there are no criminal activities; there are, but at a very low rate. In these cities, you will face no water or power shortage and educational as well as work facilities are good in these cities.

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