Friday 1 July 2011

How to Save Money in College

If you thought your elementary and high school education cost your parents a bomb, then think again! College education is even more expensive than school education. Besides, the unfortunate part is, you will most likely have to cover the expenses on your own, without much help from your folks. Even with a scholarship or some kind of financial aid, the other living expenses can still throw you off track. So, how to save money in college? A thrifty lifestyle can help you manage your finances properly. Given below are some tips on how to save money every month.

Tips on How to Save Money in College

Textbooks, reference books are a substantial expense in your college life. Every semester you are likely to spend $500 - $600, if you choose to buy all the textbooks recommended in the course. One thing that you will learn during your college years is, you rarely have time to read all the educational stuff that is recommended in your course. Besides, the exam papers are often set based on only a few important books. Hence, if you choose to buy all that is mentioned in your course list, then you will unnecessarily waste a lot of money. Wait until the first week of college to know what are the books which your professors recommend, so that you can buy only those books. Check your library and see if there are enough copies of any or all of your textbooks. If yes, you can always borrow these books from library. Second hand books is an inexpensive way of buying your own copies of textbooks and reference books. Scout the 'for sale' section of your college notice board to see if your seniors are selling away their used textbooks. Buying used textbooks online is the best way to save money on books.

Food and grocery is yet another expense that can burn holes in your monthly budget. If you are renting an apartment with a group of friends, then all of you can decide a monthly grocery budget. Splitting this amount amongst yourself is the best way to save money on groceries. But then, you will have to acquiesce upon certain menu and limited grocery items. When you contribute to the monthly grocery budget, make sure you eat out less often. Frequently eating out will defeat the very purpose of budgeting your grocery expense.

You need not have to hang out in new fashionable clothes every week. Instead of piling on only a particular type of clothing (say jeans and T-shirts), make a conscious effort towards building your wardrobe wisely. Make sure you have a pair of formal trousers and shirts, shoes, belt etc. for interviews, presentations and similar formal occasions. Have at least 7-8 sets of daily wear, so that you save upon laundry charges. Instead of buying a dozen pairs of cheap clothing, it is better to invest in fewer but quality clothing sets. Shopping for clothes online is a good money saving idea and a useful tip on how to budget money on clothing as you can avail huge discounts online. Also scout for sales at reputed clothing stores in your area.

You need to bring some serious changes in your lifestyle, if you wish to save money while at college. If your college is not far away from your apartment, there is absolutely no need to invest in a fancy, gas guzzling car. Instead get yourself a bicycle and ride to college everyday, a cheap and healthy way of cutting down your cost of conveyance. Another cost cutting idea includes, hosting parties at home. Instead of throwing parties at posh clubs and fancy restaurants, invite your friends at home and have a blast. Similarly, instead of watching movies in theater you can rent DVDs and watch them in the comfort of your home. If you are into a dating game, then take your date to places such as parks, museums, art galleries etc., a good alternative to frequenting those fancy pubs. If you frequently eat out with friends, making it a norm to go Dutch right from the beginning. Avoid giving generous tips everywhere until you land a decent job. Give up on expensive addictions such as smoking, alcohol or drugs. Always stay healthy, so that you save upon your doctor's fees!

Also read this excellent article on money saving tips for college students. Other money saving tips include keeping your debt to minimum and making judicious use of your credit card. Try to get a part time job on campus, so that you can increase your cash flow. However, make sure it does not interfere with the main purpose of your college, and that is learning. Hope the tips on how to save money in college were resourceful.

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