Sunday 12 June 2011

Han Dynasty: China

The story of the Han regime began in 206 B.C, when the valley of Wei in China, witnessed the fall of the Qin army and the rise of the Han prince, Liu Bang. He defeated his rival Xiang Yu, and laid the foundation of the Han empire. The Han era is divided into two periods: the Western Han Dynasty, which was from 206 BC to 9 AD and the Eastern Han Dynasty which lasted from 25 AD to 220 AD. There was a brief interruption in the rule by usurping of power by a revolting Xin ruler, only to be won back by the Han power. The 24 Han emperors who ruled this period, led Chinese society into a new era of prosperity. They were connoisseurs of art, literature and technology. The Han rule was largely peaceful and had a significant impact on the Chinese culture. A major ethnic group of China still refers to itself as the 'Han population'.

The new ruler established his capital Chang'an, in the present day Shaanxi province of China. The empire was very systematically administered by local rulers, under the direct authority of the central government. The famed 'Silk Route' across difficult terrains and a cruel desert, was created under this regime. Trade with the Roman empire flourished, mainly due to this passage which exposed the western culture and traditions, to the eastern world. The careful administration led to a greater bonding and mutual cooperation amongst the people of China. There was uniformity and method to the way of living under the Han dynasty.

Emperor Wu, who reigned from 141 BC to 87 BC is considered one of the greatest Han rulers. He successfully defended the empire from frequent invasions by Central Asian tribes and provided excellent support to technological advances and economic reforms. The empire had the greatest expanse during his reign. It extended to the Tarim basin in the west, ensuring a safe trading route to Baghdad, Antioch and Alexandria. Parts of Vietnam and Korea, in the south and east respectively, were also invaded and annexed by the Han army. The Han rulers respected local powers and established cordial relations with small Chinese powers in exchange of their acceptance of the Han suzerainty. Confucianism was made the state doctrine and responsible people were selected for administration through civil services examinations.

The exquisite collection of clay furniture, lamps, ancient tombs and various articles, which were unearthed during archaeological excavations are a testimony to the rich heritage of the Han period. Confucianism was advocated and gained popularity in the society, especially after its suppression for a long period by the Qin dynasty. Craftsmen, artisans and skilled labor reaped huge benefits in those days. The medical advances, acupuncture techniques and invention of paper and porcelain articles, were a gift to the future generations by the Han civilization. There were even earthquake detectors in place, so that the king could dispatch troops or emergency assistance to the affected area. The cultural ties with neighboring India and the Middle East, along with the spread of Buddhism can also be credited to this rule. The Han dynasty marked the beginning of an organized public schooling in China, though only boys were allowed, in accordance with the principles of Confucius.

Factionalism, greater say of palace concubines in administration coupled with the jealous attitude of senior officials caused a brief fall of the empire. It was reinstated by the next Han king, Guang Wudi, who shifted the capital to Loyang, a city in the present day Henan province. The new fortified and lavish capital also liberalized trade, boosting frequent caravans traveling back and forth from the West, right into the new capital. The latter period of the Han rule established diplomatic relations with Japanese and Central Asian powers. Envoys from far off Rome reached China in 126 AD, carrying along more goods and manpower.

The centralization of power had augmented an enormous growth, which brought along rivalries and many financial problems. The increasing population and growth of corruption in the expanding political institutions finally led to the fall of the Han Dynasty in 220 AD.

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