Thursday 9 June 2011

Nostradamus Predictions About the World War 3

Nostradamus was born in 1503 in St Remi, France. He was a renowned physician and an astrologer of his time. He started his practice as a physician in 1525 AD after completing his studies in Montpellier. Nostradamus was ahead of his times and used innovative methods to treat the victims of bubonic plague. He was successful in curing even the extremely ill and this earned him a reputation as a gifted healer.

He showed interest in pagan methods of divination and astronomy. Once he gave up his profession of practicing medicine, he settled down in Salon, France. He studied the art of magic by reading ancient texts of Egyptian and Alexandrian magic. He became a famous soothsayer and could predict the future. It was during his stay in Salon, France he compiled and published his book Centuries. He wrote his prophecies in the form of short poems. Each poem consisted of four lines called quatrain. He has written 942 quatrains. Nostradamus grouped 100 quatrains into one century. Hence there are ten centuries; one of the centuries has only 42 quatrains.

Nostradamus Predictions About the World War III

The interpreters of his book Centuries opine that Nostradamus had accurately predicted the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the rise of Hitler in Germany, the French Revolution and many important events. Scholars of Nostradamus believe he has foreseen and predicted the third World War.

    * Mabus then will soon die, there will come
      Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
      Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
      Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.

These quatrains are from the Century 2. The scholars have interpreted these quatrains with the incidents and events relating to the present century.

"Mabus then will soon die, there will come" - The scholars of Nostradamus have interpreted "Mabus" to be President Bush of America. As per the interpretation it is believed that Mr. Bush would be assassinated.

"Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run" - the comet in this quatrain is one of the several comets that is likely to cross the skies in next few years. His predictions may or may not come true. However, the one of the comet named Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann3 was close to the earth on May 13 2006 and close to the sun on June 6, 2006. This comet was discovered when Hitler came to power in 1930.

There are many such quatrains, where Nostradamus has mentioned about the disasters that are bound to occur in the late 20th and during the 21st century. The scholars of Nostradamus have put together the various incidents that have taken place in the past decade to describe the progress of World War 3.

One of the quatrains describes the attack on the World Trade Center in New York. It has also mentioned about the holy war that would be waged by the antichrist. In Century 2, Quatrain 30, Nostradamus has mentioned the rise of the Kings of Mongols. The last Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan’s empire included the modern-day Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Central Asia. The interpreters opine it could be the Iraq war and the possibility of the American attack on Iran. Scholars say, Nostradamus had predicted the usage of nuclear weapon in the World War 3.

Finally, it all depends on how the quatrains are interpreted by the scholars. According to them, Nostradamus have mentioned about the nuclear plants and the nuclear missiles that will destroy the world and the mankind. After the World War III, the peace would be restored. He has mentioned about the restoration of peace in Century 10, quatrain 74.

    * The year the great seventh number is accomplished,
      Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter:
      Not far from the age of the great millennium,
      When the dead will come out of their graves

"The year the great seventh number is accomplished"- this quatrain implies that the world will begin new after the World War 3 and the peace will the restored when the great seventh number is accomplished. Seventh number is the year that ends with seven. But which is that year? The numerologists and the scholars are racking their brains trying to divine the true mean of the number 7. Since 2007 is behind us, it could be 2070 according to some scholars.

The happiness is how we see things and what we make of it. The current world is ruled by hatred, jealousness and greediness. Unless and until people change their ways, the world would be drowned in grief and suffering.

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