Thursday 9 June 2011

Tea Leaf Reading

The art of tea-leaf reading probably originated in ancient China. The terms tasseomancy, tasseography or teomancy are used to refer tea-leaf reading. This art of fortune-telling using tea leaves is approximately five thousand years old. It was popular in ancient Europe and the Middle East. Today, tea-leaf reading is practiced as a hobby at social gatherings.

Reading Tea Leaves

A tea-leaf fortune reader uses the symbols and the patterns formed by the residue of tea in a fine light-colored china cup to predict one’s fortune or future. The art of tea-leaf reading is an intuitive and creative form of divination. Like any other forms of divination, tea-leaf reading also requires the seer to concentrate and he should be relaxed both mentally and physically. Good concentration and relaxed atmosphere will enhance the ability of the seer to see beyond the symbols and patterns. The seer uses his intuitive knowledge and clairvoyance to interpret the symbols.

How to Read Tea Leaves

Always remember the seer and the seeker should be in the relaxed state of mind prior to tea-leaf reading. Each reader has his or her style of reading. The materials that you require for tea-leaf reading include tea leaves or granules (not tea bags), steaming water, couple of spoons, a wide-brimmed white cup and a saucer. The seeker brews the tea and also drinks it as the part of the ritual of tea-leaf reading.

A good seer would be able to interpret the signs right from the stage of brewing. The seeker is asked to stir the tea leaves with a spoon while the tea is boiling. A few of the signs that are interpreted by the fortune-teller while making tea are given below

    * While stirring if the tea leaves spill, it is considered a good sign.
    * The floating of bubbles means the seeker would get money or fortune in near future.
    * If the stalks or leaves of the tea float on the surface, the visitors are likely to come.
    * The number of leaves or stalks floating tells you in how many days the visitors will arrive.
    * Accidentally, if two spoons are placed on the saucer, it means the arrival of twins in your family.
    * However, placing the spoon upside down would bring bad news regarding the health of the seeker’s near one.
    * If the tea is strong it is interpreted as beginning of new friendship in the near future. On the other hand, a weak tea indicates end of friendship.

A point worth mentioning is it is the seeker who has to stir his tea and not the seer. The reason is stirring another person’s tea could cause unwanted arguments. Once the tea is made, the seeker either drinks his tea or strains the tea, leaving behind a small amount of liquid and tea leaves as a residue.

The seer whirls the cup around for sometime and the patterns are formed. A few small clumps of tea leaves are formed in the cup. The seer then holds the cup using both his hands and concentrates before predicting the future.

Tea Leaf Reading - Symbols

The seer holds the cup in such a manner that the handle of the cup points towards the seeker. The handle of the cup represents the seeker and his home and family. The symbols are interpreted keeping mind the distance between the handle and the tea leaves. The rim of the cup represents the events that have occurred in the recent past. The tea leaves lying closer to the bottom of the cup indicate the events that are bound to occur in distant future. The clumps of tea leaves on the right side of the handle tells the future and the ones on the left tells the past.

The patterns formed when the cup is swirled are helpful in telling the future. If there is a distinct pattern on the cup despite swirling and emptying the contents, it is interpreted as sorrow and grief.

There is an indication of trouble if there is a single large clump of tea leaves. If the clump lies near the handle, it means you are the cause for the trouble and if it is opposite to the handle, it means someone else is causing the trouble. People are indicated by the tea-stalk - men are indicated by the long stalks and the short stalk indicates the women. The dark and light stalk indicates coloring. Slanted stalks represent the untrustworthy people.

There are tea-leaf readers who interpret the images that are formed in the cup. A few of the symbols and images that are interpreted include acorn, bell, baby, anchor, bag, birds, boat, candles, cat and many more. These symbols indicate various events that have either occurred or are likely to occur in the future.

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