Friday 1 July 2011

How to Save Money Every Month

Money saving is important for those who are going through economic hardship because of recession or job loss. It is equally important for them who spend a lot of money unnecessarily without realizing that it could be diverted to savings. Many such expenses can be cut down without making any major changes in your lifestyle. In order to learn, how to save money every month you require a little bit of financial discipline and creativity.

Tips on Ways to Save Money Every Month

Many of us end up overspending every month simply because we ignore the recurring monthly expenses and do not know how to save money every month from them. The fact is you have to make effort to save money everyday. For this reason, the first step is to prepare a household budget. It should be done keeping in mind the needs of all the member of your family. Allot a certain amount of money for the monthly bills, groceries, entertainment and strictly follow the budget. Following are the areas where cut down of monthly expenses is possible.

Groceries: The main reason why people spend extra money in the supermarket is because of impulsive buying. You can save money on groceries by making a list of items to be bought from grocery stores and stick to it. Thus, you can resist the temptation of buying unnecessary items. There are some store who offers discount on purchase in bulk quantity. You can buy non-perishable foods like cereals, canned products as well as supplies like paper towels, soaps and detergents from there and save money. Read more on saving money on groceries.

Electric bill: A few changes in our daily habits can help us to save money on electric bill. Like lights and other appliances should be turned off whenever they are not required. Even small children should be taught to turn off the lights when they are leaving the house. You can switch off the AC and open the windows when the weather is not so hot. Use of CFL bulbs can also help to reduce electric bills. Using dishwasher or washing machine when they are fully loaded can save electricity too.

Phone Bills: The phone is an indispensable part of our life as it helps us to be in touch with our friends and family. To save money on phone bills, make the not so urgent calls at nights or weekends when the call rates are less. There are several plans available that offers discount in the call rates. Select one such plan that suits your requirement. If you have a cell phone, then there is no need to keep a landline at home. Read more on tips for saving money.

Food Bills: There are many such households whose one of the major unexpected expenses of the month is on eating out. Some people go out for lunch on all five working days of the week. For them, it is wiser to pack lunch from home at least for two or three days of the week. Moreover, this habit of frequent visit to restaurants for coffee, snacks or dinner is not good for health. Curtailing the number of restaurant bills can save money on food. Read more on ways to save money.

Now you know how to save money every month and I am sure that these money saving tips will be highly beneficial for you. Whatever amount you save every month, make sure you deposit the amount in a savings bank account. You will feel tempted to spend it in buying some expensive items but you have to control the urge. Rather, you should utilize these savings to buy some thing for your house which is really essential.

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